Depending on the type of mould NEEDED, several types of silicones are available for “cold vulcanization” or “vulcanizing At low temperature” manufacturing.

It is a silicon which can be vulcanised at ambient temperature by means of a poly-addition reaction, recommended for the production in series of pieces in polyester resin and gypsum for the creation of moulds with high precision.
The system foresees cold injection, without pressure, of this material made up of two components (A+B) of 1 liter each.
MAXMATIC vulcanizing silicone is designed for vulcanization at low temperature (160 ° C), and reaches a hardness of 35 shores. It has good characteristics of elasticity and resistance, it has very few joint planes after cutting.
Combined with the various aluminium moulds included in the range of accessories, MAXMATIC silicone will allow you to manufacture a quality mold, resistant in time to many injections without talc.